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How to draw an involute of a regular pentagon?

Involute of a Pentagon

In this post, we'll learn how can we draw an involute of a regular pentagon. For example, we'll draw the involute of a pentagon of side 20mm(= 2cm). We can draw an involute of any regular pentagon by simply applying a similar method.

Question: Draw an involute of a regular pentagon of side 20 mm.
Draw an involute of a regular pentagon of side 20 mm.

  1. Draw a pentagon of 20 mm side and name it ABCDE. (Don't know how to draw a pentagon? To learn click here.)
  2. Draw a line of 100 mm from point B as shown in the solution and divide it into 5 equal parts.
  3. With the help of a compass, take the B4 distance and mark the point 5' from point C as shown in the figure.
  4. Now take B3 distance mark the point 4' from point D.
  5. Likewise mark the other remaining points 3', 2', and 1'.
  6. Connect all those points (1', 2', 3', 4', 5').
  7. Your involute is ready!
I hope you understand the question. You can draw an involute of any regular pentagon by simply applying a similar method. If you have any doubts then just let me know in the comments! Till then keep learning, and keep improving!

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